Monthly Archives: June, 2015

Clerkships Have Begun!

Well friends, 3rd year clinical clerkships have officially begun! I apologize for the lack of activity over the last month, but it’s been much busier than expected. I started working in the hospital 2 weeks ago, with last week totaling around 72 hrs of work, and this week will end up around 65 hrs. Add in the 40-45 minutes I spend driving (i.e., 1.5 hrs total each day) and there’s little time left over! Spending time with my family and getting some sleep obviously takes priority for the little free time I get, so opportunities for updating the website and completing new podcasts has been very minimal. Hopefully, things will wind down eventually and I’ll be able to put out some more information, podcasts, videos, etc. in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed!